One helpful way to help you feel relaxed is to practice meditation by imagining that you're taking in any color that you want. As you continue to breathe, envision your mind and body being filled with your chosen color.
The HinduManage stress in a scientific mannerThe HinduA two-day special stress management programme exclusively for women police personnel began here today. G. Subbulakshmi, Superintendent of Police, who had taken the initiative to organise the event, called upon the participants to take advantage of the ......Manage stress in a scientific manner - The Hindu
A growing number of studies have proven the many health benefits of mindfulness meditation. Because of this, increasingly more individuals are getting interested about learning how to practice this great tool. If you're interested to learn about mindfulness meditation, you've come to the right place.
Want to learn how to achieve a stronger immune system? Find out how to practice meditation and make it a part of your daily habit.
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