Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Video: Innovative approach to quantifying, understanding, and managing stress - Medical Xpress

One way of preparing yourself for meditation is to rest your body and mind by selecting a focus for concentration. This technique establishes your concentration skills, and helps you understand the best ways to control your mind from wandering.

Medical XpressVideo: Innovative approach to quantifying, understanding, and managing stressMedical XpressRobert Goldberg never spent much time thinking about fashion. All that changed six years ago, however, when as a visiting neuroscientist at John Gabrieli's lab in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, he co-founded Neumitra. The Boston-based ...Taking stress to a new levelMIT Newsall 3 news articles »...Video: Innovative approach to quantifying, understanding, and managing stress - Medical Xpress

Learning mindfulness meditation is well worth your time and effort. Most people who have practiced mindfulness meditation on a regular basis claim that it has helped change their daily lives and relationships for the better. Learn mindfulness meditation right now and start experiencing its many benefits.

Be kind to yourself. Let go of all the negativeness and give yourself unconditional love and support. Trying to find a way to help you feel better? Smile! Smiling helps trick your brain into thinking that you're happy, and it can help in reducing stress. Feel free to also visit the sites below.

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