Saturday, 7 November 2015

Pressure release: prevention-led stress management - SHPonline

Using positive affirmations when you practice meditation can help you learn how to respond usefully to difficult situations. Concentrating on a positive affirmation, which can either be a word or phrase that reflects a desired state, can help you gain understanding and develop good feelings.

SHPonlinePressure release: prevention-led stress managementSHPonlineDr Roxane Gervais explores a preventative approach to stress management. It might be classed as a 'state' rather than a medical condition, but stress, if not dealt with sufficiently quickly, can pave the way to psychological disorders, including ...and more »...Pressure release: prevention-led stress management - SHPonline

The secret to experiencing the benefits of mindfulness meditation is to stay consistent. It's important to make time every single day for you to practice meditation. Realise that it's only through regular practice that you'll have the chance to enhance your meditation skills. With regular practice, you'll begin to experience a greater sense of peace within you.

Looking for techniques that can help you with your journey through meditation? visit the sites below.

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